Nursing 101 Headline Animator

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To All The Nurses: Words Of Inspiration

A Nurse's Prayer

Give to my heart, Lord...
compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands,
skill and tenderness.
Give to my ears
the ability to listen.
Give to my lips
words of comfort.
Give to me, Lord...
strength for this selfless service
and enable me to give hope
to those I am called to serve.
Author unknown

Nurse's Prayer

Be me in the world.
Be my voice to the deaf.
Be my faith where there is doubt.
Be my hope where there is despair.
Be my light where there is darkness.
Be my joy where there is sadness.
Be me in the world.

Be my eyes to the blind.
Be my consolation to those who need to be consoled.
Be my understanding to those who need to be understood.
Be my healing to those who need to healed.
Be my love to those who need love.
Be my forgiveness to those who need to be forgiven.
Be my death to those who need me.
Be me in the world.
- author unknown -

Well I am finally on vacation this week, thank God. It has been a very long time for me since my last vacation. I definitely needed one. I work in long term care at a nursing home. I love my residents, they are family to me. And for the most part the staff is great also. I missed the state survey this year because of my days off, can't say that it hurt my feelings too much. I take care of 25 residents that all require different levels of care. I have been a dedicated nurse since December 2007. I know to all of you experienced nurses out there I am still wet behind the ears. I love my job this is definitely my nitch in life. There is so much I learn everyday, and somethings I can't believe that happens in one shift. Well if anyone is having a bad day hopefully the poems will put a smile on your face. That's all for now, I feel like I am rambling, drop me a line or a shout out if you want. GOD BLESS..........

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